
假日連連無聊又不想出門,上網看看有沒有什麼新鮮好玩的東西。逛來逛去,突然看到Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Movie-Tie-In edition) 好像很不錯的樣子! 價格也不貴,但買東西就是要貨比三家,趕快來查查還有什麼地方有賣 Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Movie-Tie-In edition) 。逛了好久,找到這裡賣的Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Movie-Tie-In edition) 最便宜。二話不說就給他下單喔。如果大家對Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Movie-Tie-In edition) 也有興趣,快來看看下方的介紹吧

Diving Bell and the Butterfly (Movie-Tie-In edition)



In 1995, Jean-Dominique Bauby was the editor-in-chief of French Elle, the father of two young childen, a 44-year-old man known and loved for his wit, his style, and his impassioned approach to life. By the end of the year he was also the victim of a rare kind of stroke to the brainstem. After 20 days in a coma, Bauby awoke into a body which had all but stopped working: only his left eye functioned, allowing him to see and, by blinking it, to make clear that his mind was unimpaired. Almost miraculously, he was soon able to express himself in the richest detail: dictating a word at a time, blinking to select each letter as the alphabet was recited to him slowly, over and over again. In the same way, he was able eventually to compose this extraordinary book.

By turns wistful, mischievous, angry, and witty, Bauby bears witness to his determination to live as fully in his mind as he had been able to do in his body. He explains the joy, and deep sadness, of seeing his children and of hearing his aged father's voice on the phone. In magical sequences, he imagines traveling to other places and times and of lying next to the woman he loves. Fed only intravenously, he imagines preparing and tasting the full flavor of delectable dishes. Again and again he returns to an 'inexhaustible reservoir of sensations,' keeping in touch with himself and the life around him.

Jean-Dominique Bauby died two days after the French publication of The Diving Bell and the Butterfly.

This book is a lasting testament to his life.


Jean-Dominique Bauby was born in France in 1952. He attended school in Paris. After working as a journalist for a number of years, Bauby became the editor-in-chief of Elle magazine in Paris in 1991.

On December 8, 1995 he had a stroke which left him with the condition known as locked-in syndrome. Bauby died on March 9, 1997. He was the father of two children, Theophile and Celeste.


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